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"Esencia 1.6"

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(2021) "Esencia 1.6"

6" x 6"

acrílico sobre lienzo, acrylic on canvas


A través del tiempo me he percatado en la densidad de cosas materiales que tiene la mayoría de la sociedad que no necesitamos. Personalmente me he tomado la tarea de depurar mis espacios y mi vida. Por esto, he querido desarrollar el tema a través de mi obra, deseando expresar que lo esencial y lo que es prioridad es lo que realmente tiene valor en nuestras vidas.
Cuando alcanzamos un estilo de vida minimalista podremos alcanzar paz mental y ocuparnos en lo importante. El minimalismo como estilo de vida es un movimiento que nos dota de mayor conciencia sobre nosotros mismos, la relación con los objetos, nuestro entorno y aquello inmaterial que ocupa nuestra mente. Nos saca de la inercia y vivimos por diseño y no por defecto, así no quedar hipnotizados por lo trivial (De La Fuente, 2016,7).

Pienso que poseemos lo que somos, no somos lo que poseemos. Siendo de este modo, la vida minimalista busca que tengamos lo esencial, cuando tenemos menos que perder es más sencillo abrazar la incertidumbre. En cambio cuando más pertenencias tenemos más sufrimos al tener que desprendernos de ciertas cosas. El minimalismo como esencia de vida no es solo material sino que va más allá, a un minimalismo mental. Esto consiste en que podemos romper con malos hábitos hasta formar nuevos que aporten a nuestro diario vivir. Quedarnos con lo importante desde lo físico hasta lo intangible.


Throughout my journey as an artist and as a spectator of life, I’ve noticed the weight that materialistic things possess in society are, in fact, unnecessary. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to purify different aspects and areas of my life. Having said that, my goal is to be able to portray effectively this theme of minimalism through my works of art, expressing what is essential, what truly deserves priority and / or value in life.  When we as humans learn to adapt a minimalist lifestyle, we will be able to experience and achieve peace of mind while focusing on what solely is important. A minimalistic lifestyle, a mindset, a movement in which allows the person to acquire greater self-awareness, of their surroundings, of their relationships with objects, and the immaterial within their minds. It removes us from inertia, so we live by design and not by default, thus not being hypnotized by the trivial (De La Fuente, 2016,7).

My belief is that we possess what we are, and we are not what we possess. Consequently, the life of a minimalist seeks the essential things in life. Therefore, having less to lose allows the process of embracing uncertainty easier for the person. On the other hand, the more belongings one has, the more suffering will follow when separated from the materials. When it comes to minimalism as the essence of life, it doesn’t’ just remain at a materialistic plane, but it goes beyond into the mindset, or mentality of a minimalist. An example of such mentality consists of taking that self-awareness, breaking bad habits and adopting new, better patterns of behavior that will be beneficial to our daily living. Keeping what is important to us, from a physical state to the intangible.


Throughout my journey as an artist and as a spectator of life, I’ve noticed the weight that materialistic things possess in society are, in fact, unnecessary. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to purify different aspects and areas of my life. Having said that, my goal is to be able to portray effectively this theme of minimalism through my works of art, expressing what is essential, what truly deserves priority and / or value in life.  When we as humans learn to adapt a minimalist lifestyle, we will be able to experience and achieve peace of mind while focusing on what solely is important. A minimalistic lifestyle, a mindset, a movement in which allows the person to acquire greater self-awareness, of their surroundings, of their relationships with objects, and the immaterial within their minds. It removes us from inertia, so we live by design and not by default, thus not being hypnotized by the trivial (De La Fuente, 2016,7).

My belief is that we possess what we are, and we are not what we possess. Consequently, the life of a minimalist seeks the essential things in life. Therefore, having less to lose allows the process of embracing uncertainty easier for the person. On the other hand, the more belongings one has, the more suffering will follow when separated from the materials. When it comes to minimalism as the essence of life, it doesn’t’ just remain at a materialistic plane, but it goes beyond into the mindset, or mentality of a minimalist. An example of such mentality consists of taking that self-awareness, breaking bad habits and adopting new, better patterns of behavior that will be beneficial to our daily living. Keeping what is important to us, from a physical state to the intangible.



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